The cover features Jamie Lynne Grumet, a 26-year-old California mom, shown breast-feeding her son Aram, who turns four next month. In the issue — titled, “Are You Mom Enough?” — Grumet is interviewed about her parenting decisions and the modern relationship between mother and baby.
Internet users responded quickly to the cover — it has already been Photoshopped, criticized and applauded.
Due to the provocative nature of the image and its widespread popularity, some feel that the cover is hurting the boy’s reputation in the future. Some feel that it’s exploiting mothers. Others have found humor in the cover, manipulating the image and the topic by referencing other bits of pop culture.
Here’s a round-up of what Twitter users have to say about the controversial topic. Do you agree with anyone in the gallery? Let us know in the comments.
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Grumet herself has already tweeted about the magazine's release, followed by several retweets fromTime and Twitter users promoting the interview.
Some users Photoshopped the boy into famous paintings, like this one that Greg Daly made with "The Birth of Venus."
However, Max Read at Gawker seems to have been one of the first to use Photoshop on the cover, referencing Princess Diana's similar choice to breastfeed her children.
Erik Hinton at the New York Times claims to be the first person to make a meme of the cover photo with this image.
Dave Itzkoff at the New York Times noted the similarity in appearance between Grumet and singer Jewel.
Grumet was also confused by many as a character from Game of Thrones, who is featured in this version of the cover by Ashley Burns of UPROXX.
More people like Isaac Kozell found similarities between the Time cover and the controversial "naked baby" artwork on Nirvana's 1991 album Nevermind.
More controversial pop culture references, like Alicia Silverstone's child feeding habits, were brought up by comedian Danny Zuker.
Evie Nagy, managing editor of, echoed much of the sentiment on Twitter regarding the boy's future.
The boy's social reputation for being on the cover, as Michael Schur points out, was also a hot topic
Others, like actress Alyssa Milano, were concerned about other mothers who choose to breastfeed their children, saying it's "exploitive."
There were also some who felt the cover's shock value was a simple buzz play. Comedian Lauren Ashley Bishop's threw this jab.
Some, like Entertainment Weekly columnist Mark Harris, applauded the magazine for its bold creativity.
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