10:49 PM
Automation, Best Apps Android app, communication, Fitness, Games, Health, Home Screen, JuiceDefender, Launchers, Nimbuzz, Productivity, Reading, Security, Social Networking, System Utilities
JuiceDefender Tweaks device settings for maximum battery life.
Llama – Location Profiles A handy automation utility, less versatile than Tasker, but free.
Sanity Filters calls, announces callers via audio, records calls, and can even automatically answer calls.
Shush! Ringer Restorer An application that lets you silecen your phone for a set time, and then un-silences it.
Silent Time Pro Silences the phone according to a weekly schedule, in case you find Tasker too complex. $1.99
Tasker The ultimate automation utility — some people buy an Android device just to use it. $6.49
chompSMS An alternative SMS application with its own optional SMS service for cheaper rates
GMail Label Notifier Lets you know when any one of your labels receives new email. Customize notifications per-label. $0.99
Go SMS Pro A fancy replacement for the built-in SMS utility, with theme support.
imo.im An IM client for Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, MSN, ICQ/AIM, Yahoo, Jabber, Myspace. Woah.
Skype It’s bloated, it’s quirky, but it’s Skype. Absolutely essential for long-distance calls.
SMS Popup If you don’t use Go SMS Pro, install SMS Popup to instantly see new SMSes.
AnkiDroid flashcards Memorize information efficiently while on the go with Anki’s smart algorithm.
AnyMemo Free A flash card application for memorizing information.
Kindle A fantastic reading experience. Stays in sync with your “real” Kindle.
Kobo If Kindle isn’t your cup of tea, try this alternative reader.
TED Air Provides a way to watch TED talks on your device. Get smarter on the go.
Wapedia Wikipedia’s mobile website is good. Wapedia is better. Also supports other wikis.
WolframAlpha Amaze your friends with crazy facts and figures. How much sodium is in a banana? $1.99
Aldiko Book Reader A customizable book reader which also lets you purchase books from within the app.
Moon+ Reader An very customizable ebook reader with full-screen support, rich gestures, and lots more.
Beautiful Widgets Check out the weather or the time in style with these huge, gorgeous widgets. $1.99
Embiggen Display short messages in huge, full-screen text that can be clearly read from meters away.
Pattern Wallpapers A collection of beautiful, soothing pattern wallpapers. They say there are over a million of them.
WeatherBug Check out the weather everywhere in the world in excruciating detail, synoptic maps and all.
WP Clock A huge, in-your-face, live wallpaper with the time, date, battery and Wi-Fi network. $1.00
3D Weather Widget A large time/weather widget, similar to HTC Sense or Beautiful Widgets, but free.
Alchemy Drag and drop elements to create surprising combinations. Hunter + mouse = cat.
Angry Birds Needs no introduction. All levels for free. Get Angry Birds Rio too, teach those pigs a lesson.
Bubble Break Pop those bubbles! Supports multiple color schemes, has color-blind mode.
Chalk Ball Lite Draw chalk lines to keep the ball from falling off the screen and bounce it onto other balls.
Flood-It A color-based puzzle/strategy game that’s color-blind friendly, too.
Fruit Slice An arcade game with fancy graphics and lots of juice splashing on the screen.
Game Dev Story Grow your game company into an empire. Kept me fascinated for over a week. $2.50
Jet Car Stunts Lite A brilliant use of Spartan graphics to create an action-packed racer.
Kongregate Arcade Access Kongregate’s addictive casual games on your Android device.
Roll It A brain-twisting puzzle in three dimensions.
Wordfeud Free A minimalistic take on Scrabble. Supports random boards, too.
Words with Friends Free Play Scrabble with your iOS-toting friends. Has its quirks, but has improved immensely.
Android Sudoku A feature-packed free Soduku game with multiple game modes.
Stair Dismount A physics game where you get to throw a ragdoll around with abandon. No gore, but lots of impact.
Endomondo Social sports training. Compete against your friends, get real-time feedback.
Gentle Alarm The best alarm clock money can buy, at least for Android. $2.85
Libra – Weight Manager Log your weight. An essential part of my morning routine. Syncs with DailyBurn and Withings.
My Tracks Uses the GPS to plot your whereabouts on a map. Great for jogging and hiking.
Petometer Track your walks with your dog — time, distance, pace, and route.
RunKeeper Fantastic guided fitness training, with a powerful website. Not just for running.
JEFIT Massively popular weight training and bodybuilding app, with a workout planner, workout logs and a companion website.
ADWLauncher EX One of Android’s classic launchers, with hundreds of themes. A must-try. $3.32
Gesture Search Draw letters on the screen, and it finds the app you want to launch. By Google.
GO Launcher EX Launcher of choice. Feature-packed, yet still lean.
LauncherPro Another must-try launcher, lean yet popular.
SwipePad Launch your favorite apps in a flash, from any app. Transformed my Android experience — a must-have.
Wave Launcher Similar to SwipePad but with a different look. Supports fewer apps. $1.99
doubleTwist Player Sync your Android device with iTunes. Requires free Windows/Mac companion app.
Jango Radio A free, unlimited personal radio application
PlayerPro A powerful, skinnable audio player with advanced filtering capabilities. Pricey. $4.99
Shazam Competes with SoundHound. Tries to figure out what music is playing in the background.
Slacker Radio Unlimited, free, customizable radio. US-only.
SoundHound Identify any song playing in the background. A direct competitor to Shazam.
Winamp The classic audio player for llama lovers comes to Android. Free and awesome.
PowerAMP A powerful audio player, supports multiple formats, downloads missing album art, and much more.
TuneIn Radio Listen to radio stations from all over the world; a great way to discover new music.
NodeBeat Create beautiful soundscapes with this visual musical instrument; great for jamming.
Camera360 A very powerful camera app with built-in effects.
Little Photo Add funky effects to your photographs. Insanely popular and free.
FxCamera A free (ad-supported) camera application with several effects.
picplz Take photos, apply effects, share them online.
Retro Camera Emulates several old cameras, funky graphics and all.
Vignette A powerful, menu-driven camera app with lots of manual control options, 84 effects and 59 optional frames.
QuickPic A photo gallery replacement with a strong emphasis on speed and responsiveness.
AnyDo A slick to-do list utility.
Astrid Task A to-do list manager that syncs with Google Tasks and Producteev.com.
Barcode Scanner Makes sense of those square squiggles everybody’s pointing their phones at.
Call Log Calendar Free Saves calls and SMSes on to Google Calendar, optionally with location info. Great for billing clients.
Catch Notes A fast notes application for text, voice, images and locations. Syncs with catch.com.
Dropbox The official app. Doesn’t support continuous sync, but allows access to your files when you need it.
DropSpace Uploads files from SD onto Dropbox whenever they change. Backup to the cloud.
Epistle A minimalistic notes app that instantly syncs with Dropbox.
Evernote The do-it-all notes application. If you use Evernote on Windows/Mac, this is a must-have.
Flick Note A full-featured notes app with real-time Simplenote sync, tags, and more.
Google Docs The official client from Google. Edit your Docs on the go.
ShopSavvy Barcode ScannerScan barcodes on store products and compare prices on the go.
Springpad Gives Evernote a run for its money. Has a Web-based client too.
Taskos A powerful to-do list manager with Google Tasks sync, customized categories, repeating tasks, and more.
Waze A crowd-sourced GPS app, aware of traffic conditions. For drivers only (not pedestrians).
App Protector Pro Selectively block access to certain applications. Can toggle locking as needed. $1.99
KeePassDroid If you use KeePass on the PC, this is a must-have. Manage your passwords with absolute security.
Lookout Mobile Security Scan for malware and manage your device remotely.
No Lock The simplest way to toggle your device’s lock-screen. Widget included.
Pocket An elegant password manager with easy categorization.
SeekDroid Find your device if it’s ever stolen. $0.99
GetGlue A social recommendation engine for books, movies, and more. Available on the Web too.
HootSuite A single app for Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare. The mobile companion for HootSuite.com
Seesmic Supports multiple Twitter accounts, as well as Facebook and Buzz. Features fast shortcuts.
TweetDeck Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Buzz in one intense social feed.
Twidroyd A fast Twitter client with a live preview mode for links.
Plume A Twitter client with a multi-column mode for tablets and extra-shiny graphics.
WhatsApp Messenger A messenger application, like SMS but without SMSes.
Twicca A beautiful, minimalistic Twitter client. Multiple accounts are “experimental”.
Nimbuzz A text messaging and VoIP app which supports importing friends from multiple networks, and has a desktop companion for Mac and Windows.
Amazon Appstore An alternative Market; US-only, sadly.
AppBrain App Market An alternative Market with a smart recommendation engine.
DroidStats An app with widgets for monitoring call, text, and data limits.
Elixir Outputs every conceivable bit of information about your device hardware.
File Expert A powerful file manager with a built-in FTP/HTTP server, SMB client and more.
ROM Manager Download ROMs and flash your device seamlessly. Requires root access.
Root Explorer An excellent file exporer for rooted devices. $4
SlideIT Soft Keyboard A fantastic sliding keyboard, supports Colemak, Hebrew, and many other layouts.
Stats Free Monitors and saves SMS, call and data usage so you don’t exceed your plan.
Swype A sexy sliding keyboard. Currently still in beta.
Titanium Backup The must-have backup utility. Saved me numerous times. Rooted devices only.
Widgetsoid2.x A powerful widget engine for creating beautiful, useful toggle widgets.
DiskUsage For visualizing what is taking up all of that precious space on your SD card.
WiFi Analyzer Use your phone to see in-depth info on all WiFi networks in range, and configure your own network for best connectivity.
Andricious (Delicious) Manage your Delicious bookmarks on the go. Supports Yahoo! And Delicious accounts.
Dolphin Browser HD An alternative browser with a dedicated following.
Miren Browser A fast, effective browser. Lean and quick to load.
Pulse News A beautiful news reader, can sync with Google reader. A joy to use.
Read It Later Free Mark things to read later on the PC, read them with this app while on the go.
YouTube Remote Control YouTube on any computer or Internet TV with this free app from Google.
mVideoPlayer A powerful video player with subtitle support and built-in IMDB search.
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